Student Insider

Chris, Daniel and Luke from Trinity’s student-led newsletter, Roxeth

Hi! This is Chris, Daniel and Luke from Trinity’s student-led Roxeth newsletter. We’re excited to show you all the things us and the school have been getting up to, including an all-new video segment which we’re proud to have been able to make and publish. Take a look!

Here’s a tour of Trinity that we put together a little while back…

Throwback Sundays

We’ve got a plethora of photos and information from our teachers with memories from their past, asking our readers to guess who exactly they thought it was. See if you can recognise any of them!

Mr Seckold – 2 years old!!

Mr Sisson

Mr Garas


Only a couple of months ago was the Year 12 formal! A night of fun and unity from all the students and teachers of Year 12, and so, we gave School Vice Captain Nick Whiteoak the platform to talk about how much went into creating such an event, give it a read:

On the 22nd of June, the Year 12s swapped out the green and gold blazer for a suit and tie to attend the Trinity Grammar School formal hosted at San Remo Ballroom in Carlton.

Looking incredibly sharp, the boys and their dates took part in dancing, photoshoots and enjoyed a certainly delectable dinner service.

Though an incredibly enjoyable night, I believe formal poses as strong reminder for me regarding how undeniably privileged we all are to attend such a great school like Trinity. The opportunities we are granted can be attributed to events far beyond the ballroom, such as the camps we attend and the top-notch sporting and schooling facilities we have access to.

It’s important to recognise that the school is under no obligation to host an event of this calibre. The effort and time invested into planning the formal night is a testament to the school’s commitment to the lifeblood of the Trinity grounds; the schoolboys.

The night additionally is a wakeup call that it’s simplistic to take opportunities for granted. The thought of parting ways with boys that make my time at school that much more enjoyable, makes me undeniably sad, but it also highlights the importance of cherishing the moments we have left.

All in all, the night spent at San Remo Ballroom was spectacular. There’s something quite special about seeing teachers all dressed up and tearing up the dance floor. For me, beyond the suits, dresses and photos, formal served as a time to reflect on how absolutely lucky we all are to attend such a great school.

So, to all the boys, I urge you to cherish the moments you have at school with mates, as after all, they won’t last forever.

Nick Whiteoak (Year 12), School Vice-Captain

House Athletics

BACK to BACK to BACK. Only ever achieved by the best teams in Sporting History. Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, New York Yankees and ARNOLD HOUSE. The first House to win back-to-back to back athletics ever! 

At 11am on Wednesday, I was told that we were in last place. At first, we panicked, but then realised what needed to be done. We rallied up the troops, implemented some great tactics, and best of all, watched the boys do what they do best.

At the end of the year, the Arnold boys aren’t just going to remember the destination, they are going to appreciate the journey and look forward for the future.

On behalf of the Arnold Captains, we are so very proud of your efforts this year so far. On to the next.

Liam Callaghan, Captain of Arnold House