From the Old Trinity Grammarians’ Association

David Constantinou (OTG 2002), OTGA Vice President

As a proud member of the Old Trinity Grammarian community and dedicated member of the OTGA, the word ‘connection’ epitomises my role and my reason for remaining committed to my school.

In the context of the OTGA, the word ‘connection’ means a bringing together of past students, allowing them to connect through memories and shared experiences, whilst allowing them to grow and thrive as adults via the vast and valuable network that is Trinity Grammar School, Kew.

For many, the conclusion of school can feel like the end of an era; but in my experience it is only the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

In the years since I completed Year 12 at Trinity, I have benefited time and time again from my connections within the Trinity community, both personally and professionally. I believe a school community network is one that is hard to parallel in life after school and therefore should be nurtured and valued. And, now that I have a son at Trinity, and a second child set to commence in the coming years, my network, my sense of belonging, and my vested interest in the school is only growing.

For me, ‘connections’ is another word for ‘relationships’. Relationships are key in whatever we do. Family, business, friendships, acquaintances; all our relationships are built on connections which emanate from shared values. Simply the connection of knowing that someone else is a part of the Trinity community is a head start in any budding relationship. It’s a moment of recognition that you value community, hard work, dedication, wellbeing, perhaps sport, music or academia, or any of the other many things that Trinity Grammar School represents.

These moments are ones that happen often in my life, and they are the moments that I treasure. I recently reconnected with an OTG who finished 10 years after I did, it was through business, and the moment we realised that we had a Trinity connection, it felt like we had a shared experience that we could immediately build upon.

Trinity has taught me

the importance of giving back and also understanding how fortunate we are to have such a lovely and welcoming community.

– David Constantinou (OTG 2002)

I really enjoy the events that bring the Trinity community together and the upcoming Community Connections Breakfast will be another really great opportunity. To be able to have Tess Madgen – Australia Opals Basketball Team Captain – as our next speaker at the Community Breakfast will be fantastic. Not only will she be just returning from the Paris Olympics, but she also represents so much of what Trinity is about; hard work, pride, dedication and commitment.

It will be a fantastic time for the whole Trinity community to come together – connecting past students, current students, past parents, current parents, past teachers and current teachers together. A time to reconnect and also meet new members of the Trinity community.

I’m a proud Old Trinity Grammarian. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a student and am equally enjoying it as a current parent and member of the OTGA.

Trinity has taught me the importance of giving back and also understanding how fortunate we are to have such a lovely and welcoming community.

Old Trinity Grammarians’ Association 
Notice of
Special General Meeting and Annual General Meeting

6.30pm Tuesday 12 November 2024
Trinity Grammar School, Kew
All Welcome

Special General Meeting Agenda

Alteration to the OTGA Rules of Association

Annual General Meeting Agenda

President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Office Bearers
Other Business

RSVP by 1 November 2024 to otg@trinity.vic.edu.au or contact Sharon Kendall on 9854 3668.

Old Trinity Grammarians' Online

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