Annual Financial Report

Mark Glover, Director of Business

The 2023 school year was one of highlights, featuring the celebration of 120 years of Trinity Grammar School, as well as recognition of 30 years of the Coordinate Program with Ruyton Girls’ School and 40 years of use of the Marles Playing Fields at Bulleen.  Underpinned by strong enrolments, positive academic and cocurricular results, together with sustained high staff retention, community engagement and service satisfaction outcomes, it was a year of recognition and advancement.

Following the launch of the 2030 Strategic Plan late in 2022, the focus for 2023 was the development of the School’s Masterplan for the Kew campus. With analysis, reviews and considerable consultation, the future vision for the campus was developed to be widely announced in early 2024, highlighting the planned major works that will be unpacked over the next stage of the Trinity life journey. 

A new focus has been set on establishing an educational journey for our students, with a natural physical and developmental flow of Junior, Middle and Senior Years precincts, accompanied by the evolution of the Village Precinct specifically for the Year 9 cohort, development of a sports, aquatics and community centre on Cotham Road, plus enhanced learning and grounds facilities across the campus. Car parking upgrades, safer access across Charles and Wellington Streets, a boutique recital hall for Music and new P&F Hall for Drama are further projects included in the Masterplan vision. 

In preparation for the above a range of enabling works commenced in late 2023 with the Robertson and Shann Buildings ground floor renovations and refurbishments, E-Block demolished (to be replaced with a new two-storey six-classroom modular building) and upgrades to a number of the School’s residential properties (including to 14 Charles Street which is the new home of the Second Hand Uniform Shop). 

Meanwhile, at the Marles Playing Fields, works for new roadways and Caretaker’s residence were completed and plans for a new Just Pavilion and Grounds Facility were initiated.

2023 Financial Results & Compartives

Income 2023 2022
$’000 $’000
Tuition fee income 55,406 53,031
Grants 7,230 6,645
Other income 4,225 4,938
66,861 64,614
Expenditure 2023 2022
Academic salaries and on-costs 31,928 29,275
Education expenses 7,646 7,549
Scholarships and bursaries 3,250 3,001
Depreciation (non-cash) 5,310 5,561
Maintenance, cleaning and grounds 5,894 4,734
Administration expenses 8,453 7,015
Significant one off and non-cash items 77 3,553
Finance and other costs 381 397
Retained for capital development 3,922 3,529
66,861 64,614


The chart below details the comparative fundraising income that has been generated by the School:

In ICT, upgrades to wi-fi and security infrastructure and establishing an exciting digital strategy to support teaching and learning priorities were the key priorities delivered. Together with the Community Engagement team, much work focused on improving the School’s website, portals and communication systems. 

The financial program for the year aligned well with the budget and forecast position set by School Council. The strong net surplus achieved will support the development of a reserve to allow for implementation of the Kew and Bulleen masterplan development activities in the coming years, together with ongoing short-term facility improvements. Such reserves will also enable delivery of the key priorities of the 2030 Strategic Plan. 

A summary of the financial position of the School, along with comparative information, has been provided in graphs and tables across this page.

Copies of the audited Financial Statements can be obtained from the office of the Director of Business.